Friday, February 22, 2008

Self Help and Hacking Linux

This conversation happened between me and a elite hacker, Fenix-Dark, in #slackman on FreeNode.

for the sake of learning, you're better off figuring stuff out on your own than having someone hold your hand

i miss ryan holding my hand

but there's a point where you need to cut the umbilical cord

are you saying that i don't belong here because i am too old and i sitll ask newb questions?

no. i was just pointing out that one of slackware's benefits is that it allows you to learn alot about linux, you negate said benefit by having other people 'fix' every little problem you encounter. if you have someone help you for every insignificant issue you encounter you'll build up bad habbits that will extend beyond computer operating systems

any more useful advice?

yeah, floss your teeth

we laugh together

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